Google's Terms and Conditions say that all sites that have Adsense ads displayed on them must have certain pages like a “Contact Us” page and a privacy policy.
These pages are all about creating a website that is safe for visitors. This would be a good idea even if it weren’t a requirement, as these pages will add credibility to your site.
Google requires the following pages:
“Contact Us” Page
This will contain at least an email where visitors can reach you. For example
“Privacy Policy”
Page The plug-in I provided will help you quickly build a Google-compliant privacy policy.
“About Us” Page
This should give visitors some basic information about your business.
Google Cookie Disclaimer
Your privacy policy will need to let visitors know that your site uses cookies to collect information about them.
In the next chapter, you will be learning all about the most important part of your niche...keyword research.
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