What Google Wants to See Before It Approves Your AccountGoogle has made getting an Adsense account easy for us Internet marketers.
Meeting a few simple requirements will virtually guarantee that your account is approved.
Requirement 1. You'll need a domain and a website with some content.
You will need to have a domain registered before you start the sign-up process. Choosing a keyword rich domain name is an important step in doing SEO correctly for your site. Before you take the plunge and register a domain, be sure to read through Chapter 6, where you'll learn how to pick a good domain name.
You will also need to have at least a basic site set up, with some relevant content,before you sign-up.
Requirement 2. You'll need to be at least 18 years old
Requirement 3. Your site cannot violate Google's terms and conditions.
This is probably the most complex part, and we will be talking about it more in depth later on.
Don't worry too much about this now. This becomes more important after you are up and running, and want to keep up a good relationship with Google.
For now just know that Google won't approve a site with adult content, or one that uses copyrighted material without permission.
Stick to creating sites about commercial products and services, and write your own content, and you will be fine.
Requirement 4. In some areas like China and India, you must have owned your site for at least 6 months. This does not apply to North America, Europe, or Australia. In most places you can build a site and have Adsense running on it the same day.
There's no reason to be intimidated by any of these requirements. Google wants to do business with you, and will quickly approve your account as along as you follow its guidelines.
Once you meet these requirements, go to… …and apply for your account.
Remember,you'll only ever have one Adsense account, and you will use it for all of your websites. Once you have be approved for your first site, you will never need to be approved again.
On the application, Google will ask for your contact information, and some basic information about your site. You will also need to tell Google how you'd like to be paid (for example by check, or a direct deposit into a bank account).
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